6 Tips to Avoid Raiders in Clash of Clans
#6: Don't Rush to Upgrade Your Town Hall
Blessed dairy animals is this a major one. You wouldn't trust the quantity of Town Hall 8 bases that still have level 1 wooden dividers.
Maintaining a strategic distance from Raids in Clash of Clans: Early TH Upgrade FTL
Relative Town Hall levels decide what number of assets a pillager can take from your base. For example, in the event that you are Town Hall 9 and a marauder is Town Hall 8, they can take 110% of the assets they regularly would have the capacity to. On the off chance that your base is for the most part low level with the exception of your Town Hall, hell definitely they're assaulting you and taking your stuff.
Related Guide If you don't know what to overhaul, go read our update manage!
The short form is that you should redesign everything before updating your Town Hall. Maximize those dividers even. Better believe it, it's difficult, yet you must do it at some point and you should do it now.
#5: Check In Two to Three Times per Day
Gatherer strikes are by a wide margin the most well-known attack in Clash of Clans. Authority pillagers are utilizing shoddy troops to hit your gatherers when they're loaded with assets. Clearly, the most ideal approach to evade gatherer strikes in Clash of Clans is to keep your authorities purge.
Checking in a few times each day and tapping gatherers, regardless of the possibility that you can't strike, is a decent approach to keep the free plunder the adversary can take from you to a base.
When you're checking in, however, accomplish something beyond tap your gatherers. What you need to do is influence the free shield to work for you. For example, I check my base just before going to bed. Tap every one of the gatherers, and after that I will break my shield regardless of the possibility that I don't plan to attack. At that point I go to bed. Somebody will undoubtedly go along and hit my base and give me a shield before my authorities wind up noticeably sufficiently ready to be attacked.
Same thing in the late morning – at that point of day, my shield is running low and I can tap my authorities again and break my shield, just with the goal that I can get another free one on my calendar.
Obviously, in case you're no-nonsense attacking, you will break your shield more often than this. This technique is more for when you're generally sit out of gear and simply sitting tight for manufacturers to wrap up.
#4: Don't Cluster Your Resources
Many people who play Clash of Clans get the want to arrange their gatherers (mixture or gold) along one side of their base. This is awful. This makes it less demanding for looters to swoop in and thump them out. A line of Barbarians will simply travel between , taking every gatherer in a long line without much protection.
Dodging Raids in Clash of Clans: Clustered Storages FTL
Rather, circulate them around the outside of your base, and blend in your different structures (sleeping enclosure, manufacturers, camps, and so on) to split them up a bit. That way, a thief needs to drop troops the distance around the outside of the base keeping in mind the end goal to hit every one of the authorities.
This "don't bunch" guidance tallies twofold for stockpiles. Many people will make a little region in the focal point of their base and put every one of their stockpiles in it. This is another frightful thought.
For one, it implies a marauder don't need to hit the safeguards that don't cover the inside. A considerable measure of bases are sufficiently huge that there are safeguards that can't hit this range. Second, it makes you extremely helpless against mushy Lightning spell strikes.
When you hit Town Hall 7 or somewhere in the vicinity, consider putting no less than 3 squares between every capacity, just with the goal that you can maintain a strategic distance from mushy lightning strikes. You can't generally keep the stockpiles far separated, however it enables when you to can.
#3: Protect Your Dark Elixir Drills
The vast majority don't stress over their gatherers. They will get hit, and that's true. You're by and large happier ensuring your stockpiles. A large portion of your plunder will be there, isn't that so?
This is valid for mixture and gold, however not for Dark Elixir. At TH10, on the off chance that somebody devastates your DE stockpiling, they just get 4% of the substance. Truth be told, (as of this written work) in a maximized TH10 base, with authorities and stockpiles full, the Dark Elixir stockpiling will give 3,000 DE if completely pulverized. In the interim, the three full penetrates you get at TH10 can give 1,350 DE each – 75% of whatever is inside them – for a sum of 4,050 DE.
Staying away from Raids in Clash of Clans: Exposed DE Drills FTL
Fundamentally, thieves are vastly improved off hitting bases with full bores that are inadequately secured than pursuing your DE stockpiling. Such huge numbers of individuals leave their drills outside their dividers or in an underdefended area – it's crazy.
#2: Keep Your Town Hall Close
As of the December 2015 Update, it's never again a smart thought to leave your Town Hall undefended.
It used to be that if your Town Hall was annihilated, the foe would get a moment 1-star triumph, and you'd get a 12-hour shield. It never again works that way. All things considered, the foe still gets a free triumph – importance they're taking your trophies. Also, the Town Hall now has far a bigger number of assets than it used to, which implies you're losing more plunder. At last, you don't get a shield for this! Shields just fly at certain annihilation and troop arrangement developments.
On the off chance that you used to run a "cultivating base" and leave your Town Hall totally undefended, change your base! In case you're when there's no other option, swap to your War Base, which ideally contains a more secure area for your Town Hall. If not, endeavor to revamp your inward structure to account for the Town Hall.
#1: Force Their Hand
Since shields rely upon the amount of the adversary armed force was sent, vital base plan is more imperative than any time in recent memory! Obliteration rates and troop sending cause shields to frame, so you need to ensure you get every single troop dropped and as a lot of your base destroyed as you can each time you're assaulted.
This implies you ought to put more "stuff" between your assailants and your stockpiles, particularly. Nothing sucks more terrible than getting struck for everything you have and still not getting a shield to appear for it. Try not to orchestrate your structures in the far corners, or line them up in ranges where they'll be overlooked. Put as quite a bit of this stuff as you can between your barriers and the region where troops can be dropped.
Likewise, since trap reload costs have gone down, it bodes well to put traps farther in the external rings of your guards. Bunching them all towards the inside will make it more probable that aggressors can rupture your stockpiles without dropping the same number of troops.
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